The Wall That Heals, a three-quarter-scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., is coming to Delaware County this September.

The 375-foot-long structure with a 7.5-foot-high apex is inscribed with the names of the 58,281 U.S. Armed Forces men and women who perished in Vietnam. It will find a home in Liberty Township’s Havener Park beginning Sept. 12, 2024. This is the traveling memorial’s only stop in Ohio this year and the public will be able to visit, free of charge, over 90 continuous hours until 2 p.m. on Sept. 15. The park is located at 4085 Liberty Road, Delaware.

Visitors also will be able to make rubbings of names from The Wall, just as they can at the original Wall, which was built in Washington, D.C. in 1982 and designed by Maya Lin, a native of Athens, Ohio, when she was then an architecture student at Yale University. The traveling Wall debuted in 1996 and has since visited more than 700 communities in the United States, Canada and Ireland. It is a program of the nonprofit Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, and its Delaware County visit is hosted by the Delaware County Veterans Service Office in partnership with the Liberty Township Parks Department.

The Wall is transported in a 53-foot trailer. After the Wall is assembled on the grounds of Havener Park, the trailer converts to a Mobile Education Center where photo displays and educational exhibits tell the story of the Vietnam War, the Wall and the era surrounding the conflict.

For more information about The Wall’s upcoming visit to Delaware County, go to:

For more information about The Wall and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, visit: