The social media accounts of the Delaware County, Ohio, government organization are maintained for the purpose of disseminating Delaware County government speech and information. All content posted on these accounts is a public record and is subject to public disclosure. The primary purpose of this page is for government speech, but the ability to post comments serves as a limited public forum for constituents to respond or react to that government speech, subject to the following comment policy:

These accounts are actively moderated and may be subject to “Community Standards” as determined and enforced by the social-media provider on whose website the account resides. Delaware County does not control the social-media providers’ enforcement actions and, therefore, disclaims any responsibility for the social-media providers’ enforcement actions, whether active or passive. Certain types of posts or comments are not considered protected forms of speech and may be subject to removal by Delaware County. These include posts that:

(1) are defamatory;
(2) are obscene;
(3) promote or encourage illegal or discriminatory activity;
(4) violate another’s copyright or intellectual property rights;
(5) are threatening or intending to inflict harm or loss on another person or entity;
(6) are spam or malware or are otherwise intended to cause technical disruptions to this page;
(7) have no reasonable relation to Delaware County’s government speech; or
(8) violate any local, state, federal, and/or international laws or regulations.

Any user who repeatedly posts comments that violate these guidelines may be subject to having their ability to post on this page blocked.

Questions regarding Delaware County’s social media policy can be emailed to: